AV24, the Super PAC Supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Surging Candidacy, to Spend Between $10M-$15M to Pursue Ballot Access in Ten Pivotal States

Today, American Values 2024 (AV24), the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential candidacy, announced its intent to pursue ballot access in pivotal states independent of the campaign. The targeted states include Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Texas. These ten states represent approximately half of the required signatures nationwide. Read more…

Nevada Secretary of State Aguilar reminds Nevada voters to register for February primaries

Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar again urged residents Thursday to update their voter registration information to ensure they will be eligible to participate in the state-run Presidential Preference Primary or the Nevada Republican Party’s presidential preference caucuses — both of which are scheduled for early February.  Las Vegas Sun Stories: Read more…